The Selkie Wife opens this week at the Apollo Theatre of the Isle of Wight

Follow the blog from this wonderful UK premiere of my play The Selkie Wife.
From the Apollo web page:
Our director introduces.....The Selkie Wife.
The next production at the Apollo Theatre will be ‘The Selkie Wife’, a play by Canadian author Kelley Jo Burke. Her work is well known in her home country but the Apollo is proud and delighted to announce that this will be the UK premiere of this particular play.
The director is Ginnie Orrey. More usually seen on the Apollo stage, Ginnie has chosen to direct this complex and beautifully written play after seeing it in a tiny theatre on the Canadian prairies and subsequently meeting the author, who is ‘absolutely thrilled’ that her play will be travelling to the Isle of Wight. She found her inspiration in the Celtic myth of ‘selkies’ – seals who shed their sealskins to come on to dry land, find a mate and have children and then return to the sea. Kelley Jo has turned the myth on its head by focusing on a selkie who chooses to keep her human form and stay on land with her husband and family, and the difficult decisions she has to make when another selkie comes to take her back to the water.
The cast includes Apollo stalwarts Ian Moth and Sue Edwards, alongside relative newcomers Esther Poucher and Maureen Sullivan, and introduces Josh Pointing, from the Isle of Wight Shakespeare Company.
‘The Selkie Wife’ opens on 21 October and runs to 29 October.