The Reluctant Artiste: Get's a "Complicated" Gig.

I first met Jack and Geoffrey when I was judging Saskatchewan Playwright Centre's 24-Hour Playwriting Competition. Fortunately I had avoided the writers' room and did not know who was competing that year (I often have friends in there and so that is always my practice). Otherwise I would have had to sit out awarding first prize to "It's Complicated" by my friend Brita Lind. That would have been a shame, because from the moment I encountered the voices in this two-hander about a man on a mission and the gorilla in his room, I have been charmed by the two of them.
Brita, who is half of GoGiraffeGo Writing and Design, while thrilled to win, was a little nonplussed by the part of her prize that was a berth in the 2014 Regina Fringe. How would that work? Who would direct it? I kind of shrugged, and said, if she didn't find anyone, not to worry, I'd do it.
And then I wandered off, thinking that the Fringe was a ways down the road, and many things could happen between that moment and the next, and at least my friend wasn't worried.
But Brita is a woman who does what she sets out to do. And remembers promises. So here we are, preparing for the premiere of her award-winning play.
The young and talented cast (Tyler Toppings, Adam Milne) are already bringing such seriousness and craft to unpacking this play, and Brita and her partner/our designer Tania Wolk such tireless attention to pulling this show together, that I am starting to think that cavalier, off-hand offers to direct are the way to go.
Hope you agree. All I know is this is a very rich play, whose first draft was written in one 24 hour period by a writer of unique perspective and bone dry wit. So I just get to be amazed and delighted every time we work the script. I've got a great month ahead of me.
See you at the Fringe!
It's Complicated can be seen, enjoyed, and applauded from July 9 - 13, 2014 at the Artesian at 2627 13th Ave, Regina at the following times:
Wed, July 9, 3:45 p.m.
Thu July 10, 6:00 p.m.
Fri, July 11, 7:45 p.m.
Sat, July 12, 6:30 p.m.
Sun, July 13, 12:00 p.m.