Areas of focus are: Kick starting the creative process, authenticity of voice, mapping the plot, and moving your imagination from page to stage.
Participants should submit a short bio, telling me a bit about yourself, what you want from the course, and your experience with writing for the stage, and a sample (Min. 500 words) of your playwriting.
Date: August 16, 9:30 a.m. – August 19, 4:30 p.m. 2012
Cost: $395
Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 participants
Kelley Jo Burke is an award-winning (most recently the City of Regina Writing
award for Ducks on the Moon and the Saskatoon and Area Theatre Award for
Excellence in Playwriting for The Selkie Wife,) playwright and poet, a director,
storyteller, documentarian, and broadcaster for CBC Radio.
She dramaturges, directs and produces for stage and radio and is the
host/producer of CBC Saskatchewan’s radio arts performance hour
SoundXchange. She has also written and produced a number of documentaries
for CBC Radio’s Ideas.
Her published plays include Ducks on the Moon: A Parent Meets Autism, The
Selkie Wife, Jane's Thumb, and Charming and Rose: True Love, and her poetry
and essays have appeared in Grain, CVII, The Fiddlehead, and in a number of