Kelley Jo Burke's Play 'Special' Premieres Sept. 10 in Regina

The premiere production of Regina playwright Kelley Jo Burke's new play Special opens Sept. 10 at the MacKenzie Art Gallery's Shumiatcher Theatre.
Photo from a January workshop of Special.Burke’s one-woman show is a candid, humorous, and raw journey through the early years with a child with atypical autism. The creative non-fiction performance piece, about a family dealing with a child who communicates differently, is written and performed by Burke and directed by Curtain Razors artistic director Michele Sereda. It is one of two one-woman shows premiering on alternate nights.
Two Premieres
Solo Performance Mix Premiere Performance
presented by Curtain Razors
at the MacKenzie Art Gallery
Tickets at the door: $15 or $20 for both shows
by Kelley Jo Burke
September 10 and 12, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Navigating by Michele Sereda
September 17 and 18, 2009
7:30 p.m.
After opening in Regina, the two Curtain Razors productions will tour to Dancing Sky Theatre in Meacham (October 9 through 11, 2009 - call 306-376-4445), Prince Albert, North Battleford, Swift Current, and Yorkton (dates and times TBA).
For advance tickets or more information (including media), contact Carey Shaw at 306-543-4639 or
About Navigating
Created and performed by Sereda, Navigating is a performance/installation that draws from a trip taken to Ukraine in 2006 shortly after the Orange Revolution. Sereda retells a series of events in a piece centering on memory, identity, and deep ancestry. The piece was directed by Kelly Handerek.