Somewhere, Sk at Dancing Sky Theatre in April 2013--join the dream!

Join me on a journey to “Somewhere, SK”—a play that I’ve created with the award-winning and totally lovely singer-song-writer Carrie Catherine. I wrote words. She wrote songs. And together we sculpted a piece of theatre/music about an abandoned, decrepit, small prairie town that gets discovered and transformed into a vibrant place where artists thrive and voices sing.
We’re raising money to make a record and put on a production of “Somewhere, SK” at Dancing Sky Theatre—a community hall renovated into a theatre that has reinvigorated the cultural scene in the small town of Meacham. When you contribute to this project, you become part of this story of renewal, community, and music! You’ll get rewards: music, jewelry, art from an amazing community of artists and collaborators. Or you could sing on the album. Or, Carrie will serenade your lover!
“Somewhere, SK” is inspired by all the hidden gems across the province where we’ve toured and performed. Our friends at Routes Gallery, The Happy Nun, The Lyric, The Hayloft, Regina’s Creative City Centre, the New Ground Cafe are all part of this story. And we will take this play on the road to even more prairie communities, integrating their story into ours and including them on our map of found places that celebrate the arts. The Ghostown Blues B & B, The Kerry Vickar Centre, The Artesian, The Bruno Arts Bank—be part of the story!