Quotable quotes re: Wrecked: A Very Anxious Memoir

Lynda Monahan (poet, author of A Beautiful Stone)
I am ensconced in my beach chair in my brand new flowery bathing suit and I have in my sunscreened hands this amazing book. I’m about halfway through. I am laughing then I’m crying then I’m indignant then mad then ohmygosh I’m recognizing my own self. Kelley Jo Burke this memoir is a gift (and not the kind the bad angels will take away )
Amanda Marcotte (writer, journalist):
Okay — it’s not a miracle cure...or is it? At any rate — you should buy this book! It was a SUPER read.
What it actually is, is a wickedly funny, naughty, also sad — and honest — wild adventure of a memoir written by award-winning Kelley Jo Burke.
‘Wreck’ is a window into what women actually think about —- anxiety, love, sex, loss, dysfunctional families....
If you don’t know Kelley Jo, don’t worry. You’ll know her by the end of this book and you’ll see yourself in her words.
You also feel like you’ve been somewhere after you read this and lord knows we all need to get away.
It is written so well, it hurts — in a good way. Maybe it is a cure.
Friends and family — you’ll definitely enjoy this as one of your summer reads. I got to read it in advance as part of an interview panel — I am super lucky.
Here is where you pre-order....
Dawn Dumont (author of Glass Beads ):
I am sure there has never been a family member who has heard the words, “I’m writing a memoir!” who has cheered, “finally, someone will tell the world about our messed-up family. I’m pre-ordering a hundred copies!” But memoirs are the stories that don’t care that they are not wanted; they are needed. Because a good memoir reminds you that family is love except when it is pain and longing for love. And a good memoir reminds you that you are not alone. Like a lighthouse in the fog, Kelley Jo Burke’s poignant and powerful (book) shines a light in the darkness and leads you safely home.