
NEW DATES--Get in on the ground floor--"Us" a new musical by Kelley Jo Burke, songs by Jeffery Straker

Join the fabulous Jeffery Straker and I as we introduce the story and songs of our upcoming new musical--with thanks to our generous hosts Elmer and Roberta McKay and with the support of the Saskatchewan Arts Board. June 11 at 8 pm--Kerr-Bronfman House, 2326 College Ave Regina. 



My new documentary Shame on You (tube) airs Thursday Dec 3 at 21:00 on CBC Radio 1 IDEAS.

FMI or to listen to the show on your computer: 

 We are watched. Caught on ubiquitous cell phone cameras. Tweeted in real time. Judged by a capricious social media jury.  Andy Warhol predicted that everyone would have 15 minutes of fame.  Kelley Jo Burke ponders how we live in a world where everyone might have 15 minutes of shame.


I'm teaching a special section of THAC 260 Acting Theory and Practice at the University of Regina Theatre Dept.

(Image by nmhschool licensed under Creative Commons)

Hey, on a day of good news, I can also announce I'm teaching a special section of THAC 260 Acting Theory and Practice at the University of Regina Theatre Dept. this fall. This section is specially offered for those using English as a second language, or who have other challenges (like anxiety) with public performance---or any theatre students looking for a particular focus on text work, breath, presence and liveness. We're going to have an awesome time!


And so it begins....Jeffery Straker and I are making a musical.

"Excited to share this! I've partnered with the multi-talented writer, playwright, woman of words, director/producer Kelley Jo Burke, to write --- a musical! the show is a glimpse through story & song at 3 days & nights of a summer camp for sexual minority youth - it's a story about coming IN.... to yourself. Songs & stories from the show will be previewed March 2016 with The Golden Apple Theatre Company, with full production TBA following that. Exciting new territory - off we go!! BIG thx to the Saskatchewan Arts Boardfor helping with this creation."

Huge thanks to The Golden Apple Theatre CompanyCamp Fyreflysask and the Saskatchewan Arts Board for their irreplaceable support for this project.


Shame on You (tube) airs May 25, 21:00 on CBC R1 IDEAS

My new documentary Shame on You (tube) airs Monday May 25 at 21:00 on CBC Radio 1 IDEAS.

FMI or to listen to the show on your computer: 

 We are watched. Caught on ubiquitous cell phone cameras. Tweeted in real time. Judged by a capricious social media jury.  Andy Warhol predicted that everyone would have 15 minutes of fame.  Kelley Jo Burke ponders how we live in a world where everyone might have 15 minutes of shame.