"Ducks on the Moon: A Parent Meets Autism" the documentary airs Monday, Feb 20 at 12 noon on CBC Radio One across Canada
February 2, 2012
Webmaster in Canadian theater, autism, autism spectrum disorder, one woman shows, parenting, parents of autistic children, stand-up documentary

"Ducks on the Moon: A Parent Meets Autism" the radio documentary, which combines elements from my performance of the play, Ducks on the Moon, with interviews with other parents, and experts in the field of autism and parenting, will air as a holiday special, Monday Feb 20 at 12 noon on CBC Radio One across Canada. 

The book Ducks on the Moon which has the full play, extended interviews from the documentary and photos from the production, is available at Hagios Press or here at Amazon.ca, Chapters.Indigo.ca, or McNallyRobinsons.ca

Article originally appeared on BigOcean.ca - Kelley Jo Burke (http://bigocean.ca/).
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